Child of Light Wiki

In Child of Light the player can obtain a variety of items with different uses. These range from Potions, used to heal a party member's HP, to quest items. All Items - except for Stardust, Lemurian Quests and quest items - can either be found in Coffers, in which the item and quantity are predetermined, or randomly won after battles, where the quantity will not exceed one item per battle.

Items can be used either by accessing the Inventory in the game's menu, or during a battle by using the Potions command. Outside of battle only recovery Potions and Stardust are usable. In-battle the player cannot use Stardust but can use additional potions to replenish Igniculus' Light Meter, heal a character of a status ailment, revive a fallen ally or buff party members active in battle, where it will take up one turn.

Types of Items:[]
